Основана в 1981 году. Программа обучения рассчитана на 4 года. Студийцы
принимают участие в регулярно проводимых выставках. По окончании школы-студии
выдается диплом. Занятия проводятся 2 раза в неделю по 3 академических часа.
Выставка работ учащихся народной школы-студии
People’s school-studio “Contrast”
was founded by Viacheslav Shraga in 1981.
After changing a lot of places of living the Studio found its home under the roof of Palace of Culture named after A.M.Gorky in 1996 where has been living since then.
The main feature of this studio is individual approach to each student, appreciation and development of his abilities.
The programm of our studio is organized so that any person can get the knowledge of the world art eritage, skills of classsic drawning and painting and also perseption of modern art.
The tutors Elena Sluchevskaya and Marina Andrianova, they go on the traditions formed by Viacheslav Shraga.